SPOILER ALERT!: Don't want to know anything about what happened in the television series of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," which ran from 1997-2003, or the comic book continuation of the franchise? This is not the story for you. Just stop reading now. And for goodness sake, don't click on the gallery above! Seriously. Click on the "back" button.
(CNN) -- If you're not already celebrating at your local comic book store or glued to Oxygen's 10-hour marathon of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" re-runs, then maybe you don't know.
Today is Buffy Anne Summers' 30th birthday.
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" has survived through one feature length film, a cult television series and a comic book. Still a fan favorite and no stranger to controversy, Joss Whedon's influential franchise about a teenage girl who just happened to be naturally good at killing vampires is still inspiring fans.
Buffy's birthday is reason for them to celebrate. There was a moment in the episode "The Gift," which aired in 2001, when fans certainly didn't think this powerful girl would make it to 30.
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