Google Android App Attack: Supervisory Board
Computer security researchers trying to crack the software of recent major attacks in the Google Android Market for wireless applications are examining fingerprints to try to understand how and why the attack was perpetrated.

Google said 58 malicious programs have been downloaded from the Android Market, then downloaded around 260,000 units before Google removed the affected applications on Tuesday night. It is unclear how many users of compatible applications, a Google spokesman. However, users who have enabled applications, which included Super Guitar Solo, Advanced Barcode Scanner, Bubble Blast, and many others were at risk of having their personal information stolen from their phone and sent to a remote computer server .
Google Android App Attack: Supervisory Board
Denis Doyle / Bloomberg

Logo Android mobile operating system.

One clue lies in the potential server used to help carry out attacks. John Hering, director of general security Lookout mobile operator, said that under his company's investigation into the incident, considering that the attack was "command and control" server, which received stolen data to smartphones, dates back to Hurricane Electric Internet service provider located in Fremont, Calif. Mr. Hering said his company contacted Hurricane Electric in the morning on March 2, shortly after discovering the server's role in the attack and asked the company to turn it off.
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