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Do you have eyeglasses, but you have the old one and you want to get new eyeglasses, i have some tips for you to buy eyeglasses. yes, here is an online shop eyeglasses named zenni optical eyeglasses, you can buy online here. Zenni Optical is the best place to shop for Great Eyeglasses For Less. This top level online store now offers you stylish prescription glasses at affordable prices. You can find a wide selection of single vision lens, sunsensor (potochromic)lens, tinted sunglasses lens, bifocal lens and progressive lens. Their eyeglasses are available from as low as $8. I just found out that Zenni Optical was on FOX news! Hurry and check out Zenni On Fox to learn more about this fabulous store. Zenni Optical offers low prices for their eyeglasses because they sell their own manufactured frames direct to the customers. So, hurry and get your fashionable and Variable Dimension Frames From Zenni today.Lets make beautiful day with beutiful . Happy shopping
for first time dont give your password to your friend, so you friend dont like you will steal your account, i believe you dont' want it happend.
and second , i have an experience that the attacker use comment on friendster to hack your account, they sometimes use the comment to attack you.
here a tips. DONT ALLOW AUTOMATIC FOR THE COMMENT, you SHOULD ACCEPT MANUALLY. hehe sorry for bold writing...
maybe thats all my tips for today, see you next time
Copy and paste our free animations, glitter images, cartoons and other fun graphics into your Friendster and Myspace pages...they're great for making your profile come to life or for leaving your friends a comment!
Just look around the site
Posted in: FriendsterGlitter | | |
Friendster Profile Generator
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Moon, Stars, Ships, and Men Friendster
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Coke Happiness Factory
Normalt er jeg ikke bruke enhver tid ser på reklame fordi jeg ikke se live TV lenger. Vi eier en HD-opptaker og vi kuttet ut alle kommersielle blokker, slik at våre beste viser inneholder ingen stemning spoilers. Når på en stund et sted kommer sammen som gjør at du glemmer det er annonsering.
The Happiness Factory
Det hele startet med en animert spot gjort av Psyop for Kull og byrået Wieden + Kennedy. Siden lansering i 2006, den originale "Happiness Factory" har gått på å bli den høyest rangerte globale spot The Coca-Cola Company noen gang har testet. Annonsen har vunnet flere priser, inkludert en "Silver Lion" i 2007 Cannes annonsering utmerkelser, "Grand Prix Gold Prize" i 2006 Epica Awards, og senest en nominasjon for en primetime kommersielle "Emmy" i USA.
Jeg tror jeg sett dette mange ganger utforske kjærlighet og sjel som gikk inn å gjøre denne historien. Du straks at mange mente gikk inn i hver karakter for å sørge for at de legger til story-line. Du kan klikke Storyboard nedenfor for å se det større og se hvordan ideene er tegnet på papir.
I tilfelle du lurer på hvordan jeg fikk dem, de er fra et stort intervju med Kylie Matulick og Todd Mueller av Psyop publisert på Motionographer. Mesteparten av denne animasjonen ble laget med Maya, After Effects, Flame og Photoshop. Hvis du tar preproduction, det tok ca 4 måneder i total til slutt.
Nå som du vet om stedet, det er en virkelig kul mockumentary som tar deg med bak kulissene til å bli kjent med tegnene litt bedre. Ifølge Adverblog noen av stemmene er ferdig med faktiske Coca-Cola ansatte. Hver karakter har en unik stemme, og det er utrolig hvor lett du får sucked inn i historien.
Happiness Factory - The Movie
Vent det er ikke ferdig ennå, den beste har ennå ikke kommet. Det er sant at folk over at Wieden + Kennedy, Amsterdam har igjen begrepsfestet en god historie til kick off fase to av "Coke Side Of Life" kampanjen. Filmen bruker "state-of-the-art" animasjon teknikker og et team av over femti 3D-animatører fra Psyop! Historien går slik:
Det var bare en lykkelig dag i Happiness Factory, fantasy-verden som lever dypt inne i en Coca-Cola salgsautomat. Den Chinoinks var busily dispensing Kull, Cappers var capping og Kissy Valper var å spre kjærlighet rundt fabrikken når plutselig katastrofe truffet! The alarm bells rang, rødt lys flashed og utenkelige har skjedd - "Happiness Factory" kjørte ut av Coke!
Dette ble lansert forrige uke på et online Red Carpet premiere hendelse i Second Life. Det ble overvåket av en internasjonal mengden av nesten 100 glamorøse avatarer kledd i rødt teppe mote, blant annet Avril Lavigne og journalister fra mer enn 16 land over hele verden. Se Avril Lavigne på "Happiness Factory - The Movie" premiere.
Avril Lavigne i Second Life
Du kan laste ned en HD versjon av filmen "Happiness Factory" her. Nettstedet er kun tilgjengelig for Taiwan nå, men jeg er sikker på at flere land vil bli lagt til snart. Alt dette er virkelig et kunstverk, og alle involverte parter bør være svært stolte av hva de oppnådd.
Posted in: CokeFilm | | |
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Lets make some laugh and make a party. TOSS.
Posted in: Computer screen, GreatVacation | | |
Do you want to be to add funds of image made on order, become insane with the colors, police forces and the bonds, they return your profile of completely single Friendster?
He 's really easy with this writer - very that you must make is to supplement the form below, click on produce code of Friendster - button and then copy the code while resulting in the CS box in low Friendster 'to adapt to the needs for the customer-page for
Posted in: Costumize CSS, CostumizeCSS Friendster | | |
life insurance online is really great that whenever you can’t support your family, you can still make sure that your family could still continue a good life that is insured. So, have this life insurance now, and experience a worried free seeing your future and also the future of your love ones.
i believe all of you have a fundamental desire to be surrounded by people, to never be alone, to want someone to always have our backs. It is a pretty basic desire, this is a hard world and sometimes we need someone to lean on. Insurance won't make us stop feeling alone, it won't provide the warmth of family and it is not someone you can hang out with. However, insurance will always have your back.so come on get life insurance online now
Blogged with Flock
it is about an online beauty contest where participants are rated and ranked by the readers. The winner gets the prize but those not lucky enough to win still have the chance to get viewed and noticed by modeling agencies.
Each month a top 10 in each category is published and the contest ends December 31st 2008. So what are you waiting for log on to Look Of The Year, take a chance and have your friends vote for you! so dont missed it to join
Blogged with Flock
iron man and the code code for css is here
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Iron Man myspace layout
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Iron Man myspace layout
Layout Keywords: Iron Man, ironman, marvel comics myspace layout, Iron Man myspace code, Iron Man hi5 layout, Iron Man bebo layout, Iron Man friendster ...
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Spider-Man 3 Teaser : BorkWeb
27 Jun 2006 ... Iron Man Movie - MTV Sneak Peek · Marvel Civil War Reading Order .... man friendster layout (1) - spider background for friendster (1) ...
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Friendster - KuCiNg_MaNDUL
Thanks that you look my layout and ahihihihi your more excited to watch the Iron Man The Movie than us don't worry May 2 is near It's already april 3 time ...
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Pimp-My-Profile.com - Iron Man myspace Layouts
19 Feb 2007 ... Premade Iron Man myspace Layouts. Search Layouts .... is in no way endorsed by or affiliated with myspace, friendster or any other site. ...
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Pimp-My-Profile.com - Iron Man myspace Layouts
Premade Iron Man myspace Layouts. Search Layouts. MySpace, Friendster, hi5, Blogger ... This layout for other sites: hi5 · Blogger · ...
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Friendster Layouts
Mau friendster layout ? Ini dia friendster layout bagi kamu yang ingin mendownload ... 5 Responses to “Friendster Layouts”. Film Iron Man · Film MaYangSarni ...
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Search Results for mr. bean friendster layout FLASH - Play Free ...
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CreateBlog: Myspace Layouts, Hi5 Layouts, Friendster Layouts ...
Iron Man · View preview. By Marlons · View profile ... Featured Layout. Random layout with over 50 favorites. Get layout code ...
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Iron Man MySpace Layout - Meta-MySpace
Here's a Iron Man MySpace Layout. This will be a placeholder for it. ... Iron Man MySpace Layout. thank you it was just what i was looking for ...
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If you have blog and are willing to make some extra bucks just like me then bloggerwave gives you the right opportunity. Bloggerwave is aiming to be Europe's biggest advertising media on blogs and you can help them grow so more and more jobs are likely to come your way.Fot more information visit bloggerwave.com
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Before taking further a step, I hoped friends have had 1 design of the page web that could be worn.
For the problem link-link for the new page, could in-save from the original page of the Friendster appearance friends.
Internally CSS
External CSS
Now was discussed by us that was first previously yes boos..!!
Possibly for the lover HTML n PHP, the CSS term gak foreign for them.
CSS (cascading Style Sheet) that is a language stylesheet that was used to arrange tampilan a document that was written in the language markup.
The use that was most general from CSS was to memformat the page web that was written with HTML and XHTML.
Singkatnya CSS was used by the writer and the page reader web to determine the colour, the letter kind, the layout, and various aspects tampilan the document.
Eitsss... sampei forgot mo discussed for layout in FS: OK OK the boss..!!
To INTERNAL CSS we only must prepare (read: searched) URL background where kek -GOOGLE for example.
Search background that was wanted by us trus dapetin URL him.
After that shook until congealing.. hehe.. ha.. (kayak cooked).
Trus entered to sini
Utak atik tuh the site n masukin URL-backround km tsb. clicked GENERATE.
Login to Friendster you.
Enter to customize profile
Confirm setting layout km (chose no skin/custom CSS).
Paste generate code km to box internal CSS
Click SAVE
Further saw layout profil. if layout does the note appear at ur profile directly, click refresh button or press F5. key..!!
You could use Adobe photoshop the version how many was up to you you ebab this technique used the basic technique, ebagai my example used Photoshop CS2.
What of Friendster Userbar??
Userbar was.. a normal graph that was unique as Sigs, usually often is used as signature in various forums.
Friendster user this bar was sig GFX that was good-looking to be displayed by you in profile Friendstermu ato was sent by you in testi your friend.
OK direct we began then his tutorial.
Along with the material and the implement that were needed by you [1] the complete Computer with keyboard, mouse and don't forget his monitor [2] Adobe Photoshop [3] edikit skill and creativity [4] Camilan and warm tea, if being prepared by me coffee then.
:) [5] Winamp with playlist songs from Rancid ato NoFX also might.
If all equipment was ready let's continued to the following stage.
Come on we began..
Firstly, opened Photoshop you and for the sheet of the new work (Ctrl+N) with settingan like along with; width 350px height 20px Kedua, with used paint bucket tool (ato pressed G in keyboard) fill with the colour of the white foundation previously.
Thirdly, the substitute/the fox settingan the colour foreground colour to orange, and background with the colour orange that was darker.
For this sample was used by me foreground #ff9933 and background #c4810c.
You could used the other colour in accordance with your appetite after you completed this tutorial.
For the time being setting with the colour seuai with the picture previously.
Fourthly, the clique of the Layer menu > the Style Layer > Gradient Overlay.
Afterwards for ettingan him in accordance with the picture along with this.
To Gradient for from Foreground to Background.
Fifthly, for the new layer by pressuring Shift+Ctrl+N. Kemudian to use Eliptical Marque Tool to block some areas in this new layer.
Afterwards the contents of the area that in the bloc with the white colour, fill the white colour by using Paint Bucket Tool ato with the menu Edit > Fill > use Colour > chose the white colour.
If true then would the plasticity as being supervised
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